Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Significance: If literature is devoid of symbols, no one will read literature anymore. Poetry is an extreme example of this. Symbols make up poetry, and that taking this away from poems will immediately turn them all grey and extremely boring and literal.


Significance: Lines are the units that make up the poem itself. Words are arranged into lines, lines into stanza, and stanzas into the poem. It is a structure of the poem. A poem without lines is like a body without cells. Of course a poem can't exist.


Significance: Everyone interprets a poem differently because no one understands something the same. Interpretation is so important because in order to understand the poem, we need to be able to interpret the separate meanings that the author gives us, and that we need to try to use the literal meanings to find the unknown further meanings of the poem. Interpretation is crucial to the understanding of a poem.


Significance: Elegies are sad. I am amazed to see a world of different types of poems that I have never seen before. Elegies are dedicated to the dead so I connect to my health lesson on the grief reaction. Maybe I can write an elegy in order to alleviate grief.


Significance: Assonance, like alliteration, is a sound device the makes poetry more interesting to read. A poem would be really dull if there weren't interesting sounds to it that attract the reader's attention.