Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Significance: If literature is devoid of symbols, no one will read literature anymore. Poetry is an extreme example of this. Symbols make up poetry, and that taking this away from poems will immediately turn them all grey and extremely boring and literal.


Significance: Lines are the units that make up the poem itself. Words are arranged into lines, lines into stanza, and stanzas into the poem. It is a structure of the poem. A poem without lines is like a body without cells. Of course a poem can't exist.


Significance: Everyone interprets a poem differently because no one understands something the same. Interpretation is so important because in order to understand the poem, we need to be able to interpret the separate meanings that the author gives us, and that we need to try to use the literal meanings to find the unknown further meanings of the poem. Interpretation is crucial to the understanding of a poem.


Significance: Elegies are sad. I am amazed to see a world of different types of poems that I have never seen before. Elegies are dedicated to the dead so I connect to my health lesson on the grief reaction. Maybe I can write an elegy in order to alleviate grief.


Significance: Assonance, like alliteration, is a sound device the makes poetry more interesting to read. A poem would be really dull if there weren't interesting sounds to it that attract the reader's attention.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Significance: Speaker is like the perspective of the poem. If we understand the speaker, like when we understand perspective in prose, it helps us understand the poem better. We can put ourselves in the position of the speaker and feel the emotions that the speaker himself/herself feels.


Significance: Onomatopoeia is very interesting. It is a hard word to spell also. Using onomatopoetia can increase the richness of the poem, and will draw the reader's attention. Who doesn't like to buzz?


Significance: Meter is really, what highlights the difference of the poem to normal old prose. The prose writers does not care much about rhythm. He or she just uses the words to paint a story. However, the meter, which is the regular pattern of rhythm, adds the musical element into the poem. Therefore, because of meter, now we can say that a poem is like a song.


Signifance: Couplets add to the complexity and richness of poems. Without couplets, we will not be able to write a simple yet elegant poem that conveys easily what we feel.


Significance: Alliteration is very important because it aids our sense of enjoyment when we read a poem. Imagine saying Science has spoiled my supper. Very imaginative, don't you think?


Significance: Rhyme is one of the main elements of a poem. Rhyme is more important than other use of sound effects, such as assonance, alliteration. This is because we tend to be able to feel better when we read rhyming words than when we read alliterative words.


Significance: Rhythm is just the stressed and unstressed syllables of any pieces of writing. However, poems bring the matter of rhythm to a whole new level. Rhythm is much more important in poems than, say, science fiction, because with the correct use of rhythm, the poet can make the poem sound musical.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Personification and Non-Human Miscellanies

Significance: This poetic device helps bring human character to inhuman objects . This way, we feel closer to the characters in the poem (which are non-human) This feeling of closeness increases the effect of the poet on the reader.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Significance: Poets try to blow emotions into characters in their poem. If there were no tone, no one would care to write poetry or read poetry because everything would be so dull and unemotional.

Simile and Similar???

Significance: Similes are poetic devices that help us compare two different things. By comparing two different things, one can see the resemblance and therefore, use their knowledge about one thing to understand the other.

What's the Difference Between a Stanza and a Paragraph?

Significance: Stanzas make up the poem itself. If we don't have stanzas, poems will not even exist.

An Extended Metaphor is a Longer Metaphor...

Significance: Extended metaphors are very helpful to the reader. This is because by comparing many objects that are closely related together, it is clear on how the objects relate and how they are similar.


Significance: Metaphor is a super-important device in poetry. This is because all poetry is about is that we need to find things deep inside the poem itself. Poets use metaphors all the time in order to mask that meaning (similes are obvious because they have signposts). Metaphors also make poetry students work harder because the teacher will scream at him/her if he/she cannot find the metaphor.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Imagine an Image as an Imagery???

What is imagery?
Imagery is the other world we can sense in our mind that is created by the poet's poetic language. Therefore, imagery varies among readers, since no one thinks in exactly the same way.

The Road not Taken - Robert Frost

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

What do you see? I see a dwindling path, with yellow leaves, and it looks like a chilly evening. It will look like my grandmother's place. Like a field.

Significance: Imagery is the image we can visualize when we read the poem. Poets who like descriptive language will no doubt communicate imagery to you. With imagery, the poem seems to live in your mind forever and that the fact that you can see a poem is no doubt, a very calming fact.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Poetry and Its Significance

Poetry: a form of literary art which uses language aesthetically and uses language ambiguity to create shades of meaning deeper than what is obvious.

Why is poetry worth learning? (or in other words, what is its significance)
Poetry is a lot about expressing your feelings. It helps one to be creative with words and is an important theme in Language Arts. The works by famous poets can fill textbooks of Language Arts.